Long Term Care 4 Veterans is a nationalpublic information company. Our personnel have been trained to help Veterans and their Surviving Spouses who may be entitled to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits, particularly a little known improved pension benefit that provides tax-free income to qualified claimants. Click Here-Benefits Flyer

We believe that Veterans who served our country during a wartime period, earned and deserve the benefits to which they are entitled. We will meet face to face and assist any Veteran, Surviving Spouse and/or their family representative.

We provide guidance and assistance during the assessment phase of the VA application process through the VA accredited attorneys and authorized representatives with whom we work. It is against VA regulations to charge any fee for this service.

Therefore, there is never a charge for this service, neither to the Veteran nor Surviving Spouse, their family members nor any facility in which you might be a resident or patient

Aid and Attendance (A&A) is an add-on benefit paid in addition to monthly pension. This benefit may not be paid without eligibility to pension. To begin an assessment of your eligibility, Click Here.

A Veteran or surviving Spouse may be eligible for A&A when:

  1. The Veteran or Surviving Spouse requires the aid of another person in order to perform one or more personal functions required in everyday living, such as:
    1. bathing,
    2. inability to feed themselves through loss of coordination of upper extremities or through extreme weakness,
    3. inability to dress or undress themselves,
    4. attending to the wants of nature,
    5. inability to keep themselves ordinarily clean and presentable,
    6. adjusting prosthetic or orthopedic devices which by reason of the particular disability cannot be done without aid, or
    7. incapacity, physical or mental, which requires care or assistance on a regular basis to protect oneself from the hazards or dangers of one's daily environment, OR,
  2. The Veteran or Surviving Spouse is bedridden, in that their disability or disabilities requires that they remain in bed apart from any prescribed course of convalescence or treatment, OR,
  3. The Veteran or Surviving Spouse is a patient in a nursing home due to mental or physical incapacity, OR,
  4. The Veteran or Surviving Spouse is blind, or so nearly blind as to have corrected visual acuity of 5/200 or less, in both eyes, or concentric contraction of the visual field to 5 degrees or less.

NOTE: Any one of the above conditions may qualify the Veteran or Surviving Spouse for Aid and Attendance. Additionally, if a Claimant's Spouse meets the qualifications of a need for aid and attendance, that need may also assist a Veteran in qualifying for the improved pension benefit.

Neither a Veteran nor a Surviving Spouse can receive both Aid and Attendance and Housebound benefits at the same time.

When applying for the Aid and Attendance add-on benefit, you should include copies of any evidence, preferably a form from an attending physician validating the need for Aid and Attendance type care.

You may obtain the necessary form at http://www.vba.va.gov/pubs/forms/VBA-21-2680-ARE.pdf

  • The form should be completed in sufficient detail to determine whether there is disease or injury producing physical or mental impairment, loss of coordination, or conditions affecting the ability to dress and undress, to feed oneself, to attend to sanitary needs, and to keep oneself ordinarily clean and presentable.
  • In addition, it is necessary to determine whether the claimant is confined to the home or immediate premises.
  • The report should indicate how well the individual gets around, where the individual goes, and what he or she is able to do during a typical day.

Required Forms:

VA Form 21-22a: Appointment of Individual as Claimant's Representative

VA Form SF 180: Request Pertaining to Military Records

LTC4Vets Form: Statement of Understanding

LTC4Vets Form: Worksheet Profile

LTC4Vets Initial Homework Letter










Community Outreach Programs Will Bring 20-40 New Seniors into Your Community!

LTC4Vets VA Seminar Sample


LTC4Vets 2023 Improved Pension Flyer


What is it?

Our proven community outreach program consistently delivers between 20-40 new seniors into your community anxious to learn how to pay for independent living, assisted living and skilled care in the most tax efficient cost-effective way. After attending a 45 minute educational workshop on the Veterans Administration's Aid & Attendance, a large percentage of the seniors will take advantage of a free tour of your community.

What will we do?

We will mail 3,000 to 5,000 prospects between the ages of 60 and 85 an invitation inviting them to attend an educational workshop. In addition, to providing them timely and often little-known information about how to apply for the VA's Aid & Attendance.  We will request each attendee to take advantage of the free tour offered by your facility at the end of the event.

In addition, we will provide you with the name, address, phone number and email of each person in attendance at the event for your future marketing needs.

What will you do?

In order to have a successful event we request that you provide the meeting room and host the event free of charge. We will need to have a room that can accommodate up to 50 seniors set up in a theater style seating with a projection screen. We ask that you advertise the event to your current residents that are Veterans and that you make available light refreshments, coffee, tea and water for the seniors in attendance. Last but not least, we request that you introduce the speaker and have available at least one marketing representative to conduct tours.

Presented by:

Bill Morris, ChFEBC

[email protected]
